You will find the list of conference abstracts including the word “ChemCam” listed in the NASA/ADS database through this link.
Extracts of about 100 recent abstracts:
(07 Jan 2023) – (ADS custom code: %H et al., %T, [%J] (%Y).\n)
- Klein et al., Generative structured normalizing flow Gaussian processes applied to spectroscopic data, [arXiv e-prints] (2022).
- Shupla et al., Planetary Seminars for Students, [AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts] (2022).
- Rapin et al., The Curiosity rover investigates an aridification sequence in the layered sulfate-bearing unit., [European Planetary Science Congress] (2022).
- Gupta et al., Episodic aqueous conditions punctuated dominantly aeolian deposition within the layered sulphate-bearing unit, Gale crater (Mars), [European Planetary Science Congress] (2022).
- Le Deit et al., Investigation of the stratigraphic and chemical relationships between Bradbury and Siccar Point lithostratigraphic groups in Gale crater, Mars, [European Planetary Science Congress] (2022).
- Caravaca et al., The Prow outcrop: an “open catalog” of multiscale 3D fluvial sedimentary structures in the lower sulfate unit of Gale crater (Mars), [European Planetary Science Congress] (2022).
- Mimoun et al., The Mars Microphone onboard SuperCam, [arXiv e-prints] (2022).
- Robbins et al., Extension of a Laser In-Situ Verification Technique for Bioloading to Planetary Science Applications, [44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 16-24 July] (2022).
- Gasda et al., Searching the martian subsurface for extant life using novel instrumentation platforms and techniques, [44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 16-24 July] (2022).
- Khayat et al., A Comparison Between CRISM and CHEMCAM Passive Sky Water Vapor Retrievals over Gale Crater, [Seventh International Workshop on the Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and Observations] (2022).
- McConnochie et al., Unexplained Oxygen Variability: New Results on Molecular Oxygen in the Lower Martian Atmosphere from Chemcam and Supercam Passive Sky Observations, [Seventh International Workshop on the Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and Observations] (2022).
- Los et al., Optical Atmospheric Effects as Viewed by the MSL ChemCam Remote Micro-Imager, [Seventh International Workshop on the Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and Observations] (2022).
- Meslin et al., Overview of Secondary Phosphate Facies observed by Chemcam in Gale Crater, Mars, [EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts] (2022).
- Essunfeld et al., Grouping ChemCam Targets by Visual Characteristics Improved by Automatic Partitioning, [53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2022).
- Comellas et al., Evidence of Multiple Fluid Events in Elevated-Mn ChemCam Targets in the Bradbury Rise, Gale Crater, Mars, [53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2022).
- Mustard et al., Mineral Detection with Curiosity CHEMCAM Passive Reflectance Data, [53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2022).
- Rammelkamp et al., Tensor Component Analysis as a Tool for Investigating Depth Trends in ChemCam LIBS Data from Gale Crater, Mars, [53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2022).
- Lasue et al., Comparison of Dust Between Gale and Jezero, [53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2022).
- Morris et al., Correlation Heatmaps for Visualizing Trends in Chemical Compositions Across Groups of ChemCam Targets, [53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2022).
- Dubey et al., Random Forests on Mars: Ensemble Methods for Enhanced ChemCam Calibration, [53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2022).
- Cousin et al., Soil Diversity at Mars: Comparison of Dataset from Gale and Jezero Craters, [53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2022).
- David et al., Clay Minerals Analyses with the ChemCam Instrument at the Marimba, Quela and Sebina Drill Locations, in Gale Crater, Mars, [53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2022).
- Manelski et al., Classification of ChemCam Passive Spectral Targets in Gale Crater, [53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2022).
- Preston et al., New Constraints on Grain Size of Eolian Sediments in the Stimson Sandstone, Gale Crater, Mars and Implications for Paleoclimate, [AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts] (2021).
- McConnochie et al., Latest results from ChemCam Passive Sky Spectroscopy at Gale Crater, Mars, [AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts] (2021).
- Montmessin et al., First atmospheric results produced by the SuperCam instrument on Mars2020, [AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts] (2021).
- Cousin et al., Fine-grained regolith on Mars: Comparison between Gale and Jezero craters using ChemCam and SuperCam LIBS data, [AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts] (2021).
- Johnson et al., Visible/Near-infrared Reflectance Spectra of Drill Tailings in the Central Glen Torridon and Mont Mercou areas, Gale Crater, Mars, [AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts] (2021).
- Fraeman et al., Spectral Properties of Diagenetic Features Near the Clay-Sulfate Transition In Mt. Sharp, [AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts] (2021).
- Frydenvang et al., Evolving bedrock geochemistry observed by ChemCam as the Curiosity rover enters the orbitally defined sulfate unit on Aeolis Mons in Gale crater, Mars, [AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts] (2021).
- Adeyemo et al., Characterizing the Mechanical Properties of Terrestrial Analogs to Calcium Sulfate Veins on Gale Crater, Mars, [AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts] (2021).
- Castorena et al., SpectroscopyNet: Learning to pre-process Spectroscopy Signals without clean data, [arXiv e-prints] (2021).
- Cousin et al., Observations of Rocks in Jezero Landing Site: SuperCam/LIBS technique overview of results from the first six months of operations., [European Planetary Science Congress] (2021).
- Dehouck et al., Bedrock geochemistry measured by ChemCam along a 2-km eastward traverse in the Glen Torridon region, Gale crater, Mars, [European Planetary Science Congress] (2021).
- Lasue et al., Comparing SuperCam first shots at Jezero with ChemCam eolian dust analysis at Gale, [European Planetary Science Congress] (2021).
- Caravaca et al., Reconstructing the 3D shape of sulfate unit outcrops (Gale crater, Mars) using ChemCam’s Remote Micro Imager onboard the Curiosity rover., [European Planetary Science Congress] (2021).
- Veneranda et al., Planetary Terrestrial Analogues Library (PTAL): online database platform and spectroscopic tools, [European Planetary Science Congress] (2021).
- Kontolati et al., Neural density estimation and uncertainty quantification for laser induced breakdown spectroscopy spectra, [arXiv e-prints] (2021).
- Richter et al., Development of the VOILA LIBS instrument for volatiles scouting in polar regions of the Moon, [International Conference on Space Optics — ICSO 2020] (2021).
- Bernardi et al., Optical design and performance of the SuperCam instrument for the Perseverance rover, [International Conference on Space Optics — ICSO 2020] (2021).
- Castorena et al., Deep Learning for ChemCam Analysis, [5th Planetary Data Workshop & Planetary Science Informatics & Analytics] (2021).
- Klein et al., Gaussian Process Variational Autoencoders for Generative Modeling of ChemCam Data, [5th Planetary Data Workshop & Planetary Science Informatics & Analytics] (2021).
- McConnochie et al., Atmospheric Science with Visible/Near-Infrared Spectra from the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover, [EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts] (2021).
- Veneranda et al., Planetary Terrestrial Analogues Library (PTAL) a novel database to support rover missions to Mars, [EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts] (2021).
- Forni et al., Supercam Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Calibration, Data Processing, and First Results, [EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts] (2021).
- Minitti et al., Rock Textures and Grain Sizes in the Glen Torridon Region (Gale Crater, Mars) Observed by the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) and ChemCam, [52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2021).
- Essunfeld et al., Attribute Recognition for Grouping Elevated-Manganese ChemCam Targets by Visual Characteristics, [52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2021).
- Comellas et al., Geologic Interpretations of Elevated-Mn ChemCam Targets in the Bradbury Rise, Gale Crater, Mars, [52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2021).
- Cousin et al., K-Rich Rubbly Bedrock at Glen Torridon, Gale Crater, Mars: Investigating the Possible Presence of Illite, [52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2021).
- Dehouck et al., Leaving Glen Torridon: Bedrock Geochemistry Measured by ChemCam en Route to the Sulfate Unit of Gale Crater, [52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2021).
- Bedford et al., Identifying Ancient Dune Processes in the Stimson Formation of Gale Crater Using Geochemical Data from ChemCam: New Insights from the Greenheugh Capping Unit, [52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2021).
- Rammelkamp et al., Optimization of Clustering Analysis for Classification of ChemCam Data from Gale Crater, Mars, [52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2021).
- David et al., Chemical Characterization of Fe-Rich Diagenetic Nodules with ChemCam in the Glen Torridon Region, Gale Crater, Mars, [52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2021).
- Le Mouélic et al., Housedon Hill — A ChemCam RMI Mega Mosaic to Investigate Distant Features in Gale Crater, [52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2021).
- Gasda et al., A Multivariate Manganese Calibration Model for ChemCam, [52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2021).
- Johnson et al., New Iron Meteorite Detections by the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover in the Southern Glen Torridon Region, [52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2021).
- O’Shea et al., An Archive of Mars Science Laboratory ChemCam Passive Visible/Near-Infrared Surface Spectra, [52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2021).
- Han et al., An Improved Sub-Model PLSR Quantitative Analysis Method Based on SVM Classifier for ChemCam Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, [Symmetry] (2021).
- Szopa et al., Pyrolysis of organic molecules in the resence of chlorides: implications for measurements performed with the SAM experiment in Gale crater, Mars, [43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 28 January – 4 February] (2021).
- Rodriguez et al., Novel Chemometric Analysis Elucidates Elemental and Mineralogical Gradients within Hydrothermal Vent Precipitates using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS): An Investigation of Analytical Techniques to Facilitate the Search for Life on Ocean Worlds, [AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts] (2020).
- Bedford et al., Identifying ancient dune processes in the Stimson formation of Gale crater from the Greenheugh pediment to the Emerson Plateau using geochemical data from ChemCam., [AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts] (2020).
- Dehouck et al., Evidence for Mobile Element Recharge in the Murray Formation near the Siccar Point Unconformity (Glen Torridon, Gale Crater, Mars), [AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts] (2020).
- Johnson et al., Visible/Near-infrared Reflectance Spectra of Drill Tailings in the Glen Torridon and Greenheugh Pediment areas, Gale Crater, Mars, [AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts] (2020).
- Forni et al., Very High Fluorine Abundances below the Siccar Point Unconformity: Implications for Fluid Circulation in Gale Crater, [AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts] (2020).
- Gasda et al., Tracking Changes in Chemistry of Diagenetic Features in Glen Torridon, Gale Crater, Mars with ChemCam, [AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts] (2020).
- Stein et al., Science Targets in the Analyst’s Notebook: Addition of MER Contact Science Targets and New Functions for MSL and MER, [AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts] (2020).
- Uckert et al., Spectrometer Open File Format, [AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts] (2020).
- Veneranda et al., PTAL, ADAMM and SpectPro: novel tools to support ExoMars and Mars 2020 science operations, [European Planetary Science Congress] (2020).
- Rammelkamp et al., Optimization of clustering analyses for classification of ChemCam data from Gale crater, Mars, [European Planetary Science Congress] (2020).
- Bowden et al., Igneous Float Rocks at the Ireson Hill and Bressay Localities, Gale Crater, Mars, [European Planetary Science Congress] (2020).
- Kubitza et al., Sulfur and Chlorine Detection in a Lunar Context Using VUV-LIBS, [European Planetary Science Congress] (2020).
- Vogt et al., VOILA on LUVMI-X: Volatiles Detection in the Lunar Polar Region with Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, [European Planetary Science Congress] (2020).
- Rapin et al., Predicting changes in depositional environments up Mount Sharp stratigraphy, [European Planetary Science Congress] (2020).
- Caravaca et al., Using 3D reconstructions of centimeter-scale sedimentary structures to document changes in the depositional settings of Glen Torridon region (Gale crater, Mars), [European Planetary Science Congress] (2020).
- Hébert et al., An Initial Exploration of Bayesian Model Calibration for Estimating the Composition of Rocks and Soils on Mars, [arXiv e-prints] (2020).
- Sham Bhat et al., Estimating Scale Discrepancy in Bayesian Model Calibration for ChemCam on the Mars Curiosity Rover, [arXiv e-prints] (2020).
- Goetz et al., Tracking of Copper by the ChemCam Instrument in Gale Crater, Mars: Elevated Abundances in Glen Torridon, [51st Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2020).
- Rivera-Hernandez et al., Grain Size and Facies Variations in Glen Torridon (Gale Crater, Mars): Perspective from MAHLI, Mastcam, and ChemCam LIBS Data, [51st Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2020).
- Dehouck et al., Is the Clay-Bearing Unit Distinct in Gale Crater? Geochemical Diversity and Open-System Alteration Revealed by MSL and Chemcam at Glen Torridon, Mars, [51st Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2020).
- Ollila et al., The Search for Rare Earth Elements and Yttrium (REY) in ChemCam Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Data, [51st Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2020).
- Flood et al., Interpretation of Sulfur and Selected Minerals by the APXS and ChemCam on the Mars Science Laboratory Rover, Curiosity, [51st Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2020).
- Clegg et al., Quantitative Sulfur Chemistry Observed on Diverse Samples from Sols 1800-2300, [51st Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2020).
- Gough et al., Possible Detection of Water Frost by the Curiosity Rover, [51st Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2020).
- Cousin et al., New Quantification of Ba and Sr in Chemcam LIBS Data and Implications for Geological Interpretations, [51st Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2020).
- Cousin et al., Potassium Enrichments and Minor Element Abundances Measured by Chemcam at Glen Torridon, Gale Crater, Mars, [51st Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2020).
- David et al., Chemical Characterization of Clay Minerals with ChemCam at the Marimba Drill Location, Gale Crater, Mars, [51st Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2020).
- Le Mouélic et al., Using Deconvolution and Machine Learning to Improve MSL Curiosity Images: Application to Chemcam/RMI And MAHLI, [51st Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2020).
- Gasda et al., Comparison of Manganese Calibration Models for ChemCam, [51st Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2020).
- Frydenvang et al., The Role of Diagenesis at Vera Rubin Ridge in Gale Crater, Mars, and the Chemostratigraphy of the Murray Formation as Observed by the ChemCam Instrument, [51st Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2020).
- Liu et al., LIBS Characterization of Feldspar: Implications for China’s MarsCoDe, [51st Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2020).
- Johnson et al., Progress on Iron Meteorite Detections by the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover, [51st Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference] (2020).
- Smith et al., Exploring a diagenetic origin for X-ray amorphous material in Gale crater sedimentary rocks, [AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts] (2019).
- Gasda et al., Investigating Boron in Clay-Rich Units on Mars using Active Neutron Analysis, [AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts] (2019).
- Pugel et al., Multimodal Investigations of Boron as a Biosignature, [AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts] (2019).
- McConnochie et al., Recent results from ChemCam Passive Sky Spectroscopy at Gale Crater, Mars, [AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts] (2019).
- Mangold et al., Geochemical Composition and Alteration History of the Clay-Bearing Sedimentary Rocks of Glen Torridon (Gale Crater, Mars) Analyzed by the ChemCam Instrument, [AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts] (2019).
- Bennett et al., Results from the Curiosity Rover’s Traverse Through the Clay-Bearing Glen Torridon Region in Gale Crater, [AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts] (2019).
- Czarnecki et al., Bulk Hydration of the Glen Torridon Clay-rich Unit in Gale Crater, Mars, [AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts] (2019).
- Johnson et al., ChemCam Visible/Near-infrared Spectra of Drill Tailings and Nontronite-bearing Rocks in the Northern Glen Torridon area, Gale Crater, Mars, [AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts] (2019).
- Mimoun et al., Acoustics on Mars : the Mars Microphone experiment for the Mars 2020 rover, [AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts] (2019).